How to start a new HPIB chapter in your city

  1. Join Hockey Players in Business, and specify you want to start a new chapter
  2. Send a note to schedule a call to discuss your interest level and ask any questions
  3. Once your chapter city has at least 10 members, you will be added to the HPIB website as a formal chapter

Chapter President Responsibilities:

  • Promote HPIB membership in your chapter city
  • Identify a couple of chapter “assistant captains” to help with planning quarterly networking events in your city—from happy hours to panel discussions to an adult league hockey tournament. We encourage you to get creative. Our HPIB corporate office is happy to help with ideas and planning, as well as share best practices from past events.

NOTE: All back-office support for marketing and event registrations is handled by our corporate office in Cleveland, OH. There are no costs involved for Chapter Presidents besides the annual $50 standard membership fee.